Thursday 11 November 2010

Martinmas 11 November

Today is not only Armistice,Remembrance and Veterans Day but also the feast of St Martin. Originally cattle were slaughtered and salted for the winter and Border Reiving was at its peak between Michaelmas 29Sept and Martinmas 11 Nov.This was one of the old Scottish quarter days of the year on which certain payments,rent and interest were due and leases began and ended. Contracts of employment also started and terminated on this day and were regular events in the countryside and towns. The Term Days Whitsun and Martinmas together with Candlemas and Lammas constituted the Quarter days. In 1886 term dates for removals and the hiring of servants in towns changed to 28 November. The Old Scottish term days were finally regulated to the 28 Feb,May.Aug and November by the Term and Quarter Days (Scotland) Act 1990. Martinmas is still remembered as the first or autumn term in the universities of St Andrews and Glasgow.


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